You can never have to much... 1. Coffee If it were humanly possible to replace all my liquid intake with just coffee, I would do it. All day, Every day. 2. Nestle Pure Life Not only did this water test to have the last amount of plastic particles as any bottled water, but it is also a neutral ph, which makes it the best option when you're on a budget, like me! 3. Baby kisses and giggles Baby kisses and giggles might be two of my favorite things. I could listen to my daughter laugh all day. 4. Panties I mean, come on, do I even have to explain this one? 5. Bralettes Since I stopped nursing, my boobs have gotten a lot smaller then they were, even before I had my daughter. I am currently on a bralette binge, because, who wants under-wrire? I don't. 6. Bobby pins Being a mom to a one and a half year old means you have to be quick when you get ready in the morning. My go to is taking my front bang and bobby pinning it back, a messy bun, or french braids. all if which r...