Every time I hear 'Hey there Delilah' by the Plain White T's, it takes me back to when I was 15 years old and dating a guy I was certain I would marry. We were in a long distance relationship for a year and a half and this was basically our song - well for me it was.
When I was 15 I thought I had my whole life planned, well, not so much. I will be turning twenty-two in September and I am more lost now then I have ever been. Truth is, I didn't expect to get pregnant, married, divorced, to living with my daughter at my parent's house, in less than two years.
Sounds crazy, right? Now I am struggling to be a mom, figure out who I am and how I am going to make a living for my daughter and myself.
In the last year it almost seems my identity has escaped me. Who am I besides a mom? What were my relationships like before I had my daughter? What do people talk about when they don't have kids? These questions aren't necessarily bad but I'd like to think I will have more to talk about than the lack of sleep, changing diapers and these baby puffs that actually taste pretty good.
As a teen your life is so uncertain. Enjoy each moment and focus on yourself. Set goals. Ask yourself, who and what am I going to be?
I got pregnant before I had the chance to answer those questions and looking back now, I wish I had put more focus on myself instead of my current boyfriend.
With that said, my daughter is the love of my life and I would not change a hair on her head. Being a mom has exposed a side of myself I didn't know was there, but I'll get into that one later.
Be you. Love yourself. You are special and you don't need a boyfriend or girlfriend to give yourself value. You are invaluable.
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