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Cute or Cruel?: A Piece Of My Mind

Can someone please explain to me why piercing a baby's ears is okay? I am 100% AGAINST causing my baby unnecessary pain just so she has pretty little earrings in her earlobes.

Image result for baby infected ear piercing crying


Not only do babies not voluntarily want a needle to go through their ears but they don't even have the option to say no. We are all individuals, babies or adults. That poor baby that just had needles go into her earlobes did not verbally say I want my ears pierced, end of story.

Should I give my baby botox injections so her lips are bigger? Of course not. But wait, it's just a needle somewhere else causing pain and alteration to the innocent little human. Isn't it kind of the same thing?

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Some might say no, that's completely different, you're sticking it inside her lips. Well, there's a metal earring through a baby's earlobes which can get infected and in some cases, cause allergic reactions with a baby's developing immune system. 

Can we please end the forceful piercing of innocent baby's? I know it hurts to get a piercing, I've had many. I would never want to cause my daughter that sort of pain when it is 100% unnecessary and not needed at just a few months of age. 

Let me assure anyone reading this that I am not questioning the love you have for your child by any means. I am simply questioning the intentions in getting the piercings done at all. It can't be for the baby, the baby doesn't even comprehend why she has a dreadful pain in her earlobes let alone the little things that are in her ears now. I mean, she's not looking at them thinking, "I love my earrings" so WHY? 

I appreciate the fact my parents took my sister and me to get our ears pierced when we wanted them done. I was twelve years old. It hurt but I was proud of myself and it felt special to have them done at an age when I understood the responsibility of taking care of them. 
I am sorry for anyone who might feel offended but I had to say something. 


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