As time goes on I often begin to notice people's quirks. Carol wears the same earrings every time I see her - Shannon is always wearing a t-shirt with a pony tail - Linda always talks about her family's agenda for the week - Lukas loves to use his eyebrows - the Asian man at the doughnut store always tries to find someway to make a laughable joke. This morning he asked if I just wanted water because I normally get my mother a tea. I explained that she had just had surgery this morning and was bed ridden. Oral surgery. He laughed and said she has to stay pretty like you! Followed by more of his pleaseant laughter. One of my favorite things to say has come to be? "Life is a funny thing." And as Forrest Gump would say, "that's all I have to say about that." (Please tell me you read that with his Southern accent!) Anyway, when it gets down to it, life moves along, people are people and we are all unique. To this I say, slow down and notice what's around you. People are a funny thing too.
Back in July, life threw a curveball and I wound up pregnant, quite surprisingly, again. You know when society (and the box it comes in) says the morning after pill works as long as you take it within 72 hours? Well, I took it 12 hours later and it didn’t work. I thought I was being responsible for preventing pregnancy and it turns out life had other plans, and that’s okay. But those of you who would implode if they got pregnant, NEVER use plan B/ the morning after pill. I did some research and found if you ovulate within that window before you take the pill, it essentially becomes ineffective if there are some strong swimmers in there. So $40 later that tiny little thing was pointless. I was about 4 weeks along the process when I figured out what was happening. My period was late, which it had been for the last 5 months due to stress I presume, but something inside me said it wasn’t just a late period. I had an old test lying around. It was about 6am and I decided to take it before my...
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