I basically almost sliced my finger off while opening a can of olives. It has been bleeding on and off now for three days. Poor finger. I keep putting bandaids on but they always fall off, cheap things. But hey, at least the pizza that gave purpose to the olives turned out delicious. Don't worry though, it was 100% sauce, no blood in the night's recipe. The day after the olive incident I woke up feeling aimless and dare I say, depressed. I felt unsure of just about everything. I worked all day and decided to binge watch Mad Men (I work at a vintage shop that isn't too busy) and surprisingly made it through three episodes. Once the day was over going home seemed unappealing so I drove around Riverside for the next 20 minutes, arrived home and decided to run a mile. 9 minutes and 55 seconds. Can I just say THAT IS HORRIBLE. But then again, I ended up not getting the chance to eat all day, there was a major lack of sleep involved, and it was about ninety degrees outside. Ma...